Wednesday 24 April 2013

February 2013

How time has flown.

Well, I managed to be one of the lucky 10 home cooks that was chosen nationally to partake in the cooking program. I am not suppose to mention it, but by the time you read this, I will be off to the location where the TV program is filmed.

Information given to us is very limited, so I do not know what to expect or who the other 19 people are.
All I know is that I am travelling from George to Cape Town in a public minibus taxi (6 1/2 hours) on 14 February. I will overnight somewhere and then meet the rest of the team on Friday, and then travel to Prins Albert.

The farm (nearby to the HEL ... a minisquis small settlement) where we will be are staying, has no electricity and we have to share a room! We were informed to pack torches, batteries and clothes for a month. Our cell phones will be taken away, no internet, no visits to the local town and no family members are to contact us or visit us!! I said to Peter it is like a bloody boot camp and he quietly answered it it will bother me so much, I can stay at home … and I immediately answered “No way, I’m going!”

Last week on Wednesday Homebrew Films came to our house to film a profile of me. Peter, Sinè and Malinda were also interviewed. They started at 8h15 and only finished at 16h00. I was bushed!!!  They filmed inside and outside the house, I had to call the ducks and feed them, Peter had to catch (what a callemity that was) a chicken which I had to hold and stroke. I also had to go to our town’s theatre and do some improvisations.

So, all I have to do is to pack, sleep and I am off at 5h00 on the 14th Feb (Valentine’s Day) on a little-known adventure. I’ll let you know when I am back … hopefully not too soon, as I really would like to stay as long as possible before being kicked off!

Please keep your email at bay until I let you know that I am back.

Goodbye from a shaking in her boots