Wednesday 24 April 2013

February 2007

Hi there to you !

The weekend of the 12th we went to Cape Town. We stayed over at my brother and sister-in-law.  We visited several shops and stores to look for a front door for our house and the one both of us really liked, cost R68 000. Good bye door !!! We have the ground plan and the elevation plan to our bush house and is now waiting on the surveyor to do his thing so that the engineer can work out the stilts, etc. After that the plan has to go to the municipality. And as you know by now, we live in George which stand for Call and Wait.

We had a lovely time saying "Hi" to a few friends and also enjoying Lounelle's 50th birthday party.  We caught up with mutual acquaintances and some of them we have not seen in the past 10 years. All the normal questions of "how are you, do you still live in …, what is the kids doing", etc, etc, etc, … and then the awkwardness of telling them of Eduard's death.  At some moments it was Ok to do so, at other moments I just hated to see or to hear about their children, and at other moments it was Ok to hug a youngster.  What a mess of emotions run through my mind in a time frame of 4 hours!!!

As you know, is Sinè now working at a welding firm of a friend of her father's in Richard's Bay.  Sinè is having a gastroscopy next Wednesday. She vomited blood on Tuesday night. She has been complaining of headaches and has been feeling nauseous for a while now. I wish she was here in George, as it is 16 hour drive to her; it makes me feel quite hopeless. Anyway, she's a big girl now and I have to accept it and hope that she is able to stand on her own two feet.

I am suffering from terrible sinusitis and was not in the mood to go to work yesterday, but being a loyal worker, I dragged myself to the clinic. Just as well I did, since the head sister was also not there. It would have been a bugger if I hadn't pitched up for work.

Peter is still doing well with his two practises (George and Plettenberg Bay).  He has built up a patient record of seeing 1 080 patients during the 2 years of his practice here in George.

We also started with pottery classes again, and Peter with a lace making course. I made an elephant (water work) that will spout water over its body into a dam. The body will hide the water pump.  Peter is on his 3rd piece of lace. It is bobbins everywhere. How the hell he remembers to cross which bobbin over which, I do not know!!!  I will end up with a crow's nest of enormous proportions!!!

We've had a letter and photos from a school friend form Eduard. She is also a South African and came to visit here from Perth and went to a great deal of trouble to found out where Peter worked to drop off the letter, stating that she thought it best do it this way, rather to just jump in person onto us. The school friends did a fantastic job in telling me what happened in her life and in the lives of Eduard's friends back in Perth. It was good to hear all the good news ... but when she wrote how the often speak of Eduard; I just burst out in tears. Oh well, that's life I suppose.

And here we are into March already and I have not finished Feb's letter yet. So let me wrap up quickly.

The result of Sinè's gastroscopy was gastritis with reflux. Meanwhile she also had a working accident, and her boss made her sign a form to say that it is not an injury on duty. When Sinè  told me that this man (who lives where she and Anandi also lives), is drunk every evening and that he has lifted his hand for her, I just told her to be at the airport on Saturday the 3rd of March because I am coming to fetch her and bring her back home.

No sooner said than done, and I flew out on the Saturday morning, got into the ute (bakkie) and started our way back. We slept over in Bloemfontein at a cousin of mine's farm and left on the Sunday morning at 08h30 ,and got home that evening at 7ish. Were we tired!!!  Sinè started on the Monday with a series of treatments at a physiotherapist…  still in process on her way to recovering.

So now you are updated again.  GO well until next time we chat again.
